AEMAET is an initiative to promote philosophy and Christian theology according to their respective genuine tasks. AEMAET therefore wants to make a small contribution to a greater love of wisdom and truth. “AEMAET” is a Hebrew word and can be translated as “strength”, “loyalty” and “truth”.
Articles and reviews in the areas of philosophy and theology can be published in the journal AEMAET. The intention is to promote interdisciplinary communication in the sense of “fides quaerens intellectum”. The headline and the abstract of the article should point out clearly whether the text is philosophical or theological, as the various disciplines sometimes entail a different methodology.
In the journal AEMAET articles may be published which deal with fundamental questions concerning man, the world and God, i. e. questions may be asked in the sense of Kant’s four basic questions: “What can I know?” – “What should I do?” – “What may I hope?” – “What is man?” (cf. Kant, Logic, Introduction AK 25). The authors should try to answer these questions clearly, clarity implying the avoidance of possible equivocations, appropriate methodology, a good and stringent line of argumentation as well as the consideration of some of the main objections. Thus articles from all subject areas of philosophy and theology may be submitted. In particular, the intention of the journal is opposition to a false and exaggerated tendency towards specialization and scientism which can presently be observed in academic philosophy and theology. Such a wrong tendency threatens to destroy the genuine task of philosophy and theology, it is a tendency which often seems to be a form of sectoral and reductionist thinking which deals with questions of detail without having the intention to relate them to reality.
AEMAET is therefore not a historical or doxographic magazine but a journal concerned with the “things themselves”, reality and truth. The authors may search for “ultimate justifications”. As far as philosophy is concerned, the magazine follows the tradition of Philosophia perennis.
The theological position is traditionally Christian. AEMAET is an open access journal which guarantees readers free access to all articles and does not require charges from the authors for the publication of their articles. The exclusive rights of the published texts remain with the authors who may freely use and publish their articles furthermore.
The language used in the journal is usually German and but in individual cases unpublished texts in English can be submitted. Texts translated from other languages can also be submitted in German.
Rubrics Guidelines
Submission of contributions possible. Select Indexed. Select Peer Review.
A condition sine qua non of a good review is the omission of unimportant information and the intention to present to the reader the essential information of the book or article that is discussed. The review makes the reader familiar with the content of the reviewed work as well as its structure. It is the task of the reviewer to sum up the main questions and the author’s attempts to answer them, taking into account the respective context of research. This should be done by a clear analysis of the main lines of argumentation. The critic’s position should be presented in an objective manner, based on good arguments. Polemic comments, arguments ad hominem, defamatory style of writing as well as examples of sparkling and ‘showy’ rhetoric should be avoided. Writing a good review requires a lot of background knowledge and a wide overview of the topic itself as well of the important and relevant publications on this topic. That means it requires the ability of synthetic academic work.
Since the discussion of the works written by other authors is often regarded as an inferior job held in low esteem, reviews are often written by young and inexperienced reviewers who frequently lack the background knowledge that is required.
If you intend to write an article for our journal please do not use footnotes, but notes in square brackets at the end of the text, for example: [1]. These are inserted in the text: for example directly after a quotation, and they are also listed and enumerated at the end of the article. Please do not use hyphenation. Quotations should be marked by quotation signs, followed by the page number in round brackets, for example: marked (S. 7f.). The review may include 800 to 1200 words. In addition, please read our general guidelines for authors.
If you wish to review a monograph adequate to the concept of our journal, but you do not have this book, we can usually contact the publisher, so that it may be sent to you.
Submission of contributions possible. Select Indexed. Select Peer Review.
Peer Review Process
The articles and reviews which have been submitted undergo a double-blind review that means that the author and the reviewer at first remain anonymous. Taking into account the recommendation of the Advisory Board the editors make their decision concerning the acceptance, modification or rejection of the text that has been submitted. Each member of the Advisory Board may achieve the publication of the submitted text in order to avoid the rejection of suitable texts due to inadequate academic ambition of one of the editors. Guidelines for the experts who are to review an article: The expert may decide according to a scale of 1 – 6 in how far the following questions are relevant for the article that has to be reviewed. The text should be compared to an article published at the present time which shows comparable academic quality and stylistic brilliance. “1” means “That is absolutely true”, “6” means “by no means true” .
- Does the subject of the article fit into the frame-work of the concept of our journal? (If this is really not the case the reviewer should prove this by several examples from the text and he may stop reviewing the article.)
- Is the text based on truth and reality? Does the author try to write about his subject by a focus on “the things as they are”.
- Is the initial question or are the initial questions formulated in such a clear way that equivocations are avoided?
- Are clear definitions used to avoid equivocations while answering the initial question?
- Does the article show signs of a fresh and inventive spirit?
- Is the line of argumentation stringent and are the best arguments used to support the respective thesis?
- Does the author deal with the main arguments against the thesis he tries to defend?
- Would shorter sentences, which express the same meaning as more complicated and longer sentences, increase the readability of the text?
- Is the theme of the article backed up by important publications concerning it?
- Should the text be shortened before publication?
- Should the text be revised stylistically before being published?
- Should the text be revised in particular points? (These should be mentioned clearly.)
Frequency of Publication
AEMAET is published continuously. The volumes of the magazine are numbered. Articles that have been submitted may, however, be published as soon as possible, if they have successfully passed the process of assessment.
Open Access Directive
This journal offers free access (“open access”) to its content, according to the basic assumption that the free availability of results of research contributes to a worldwide exchange of knowledge.
Archiving the Journal
This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create, with the help of the participating libraries, a decentralized system of putting texts into archives. These libraries permanently put this journal into archives for storage and recovery purposes. More … The long-term archiving is guaranteed by the German National Library.
Electronic submission of contributions
Guidelines for authors
The texts may be submitted in the following file formats: RTF (Word), ODT (Libre Office) or preferably in LaTeX format be submitted (with the associated PDF file) Here you find a suitable LaTeX template.Here you find an appropriate ODT model.
Apart from highlighting passages of the text in italics all other kinds of file formating such as script size and line spacing should be made by the respective models of formats. The spelling of this journal is preferably the “old spelling” of German, but the “new spelling” may also be used.
As part of the process of submission authors are asked to use the checklist for articles to make sure that their text is in accordance with the specified requirements. Articles that do not follow these guidelines may be returned to the authors. If you agree to all the points listed below, you may submit your article electronically. The concept of the journal and the guidelines for authors have been read.
The text informs the reader clearly whether this article is unpublished so far or whether it has already been published elsewhere. If that is the case the source of the original publication must be indicated.
AEMAET is an Open Access journal which does not require the author to transfer the exclusive rights to the text or to pay fees for publication.
By submitting the text the author transfers to the editors of the journal AEMAET the right to publish the article under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CCBY 4.0). For different arrangements the author may contact the editor. The file format of the text that is submitted should be RTF (Word), ODT (Libre Office) or preferably LaTeX (with the associated PDF file). In order to simplify quotations the different chapters of the text should have titles.
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